Monday 7 October 2013

Things every girl should know by her mid twenties............

1. The one is out there......but he's probably not the one you  thought he was!

By your mid twenties, you will probably have dated all of the wrong kinds of men. You will have truly believed that at least 88% of those men were in fact THE ONE. They probably weren't. Dust yourself off, learn from your mistakes and move on!! The one is still out there waiting while your wasting time pining around for Mr-is-actually-a-total-knob-but-you-just-can't-see-it!

2. Friendships don't always last.

But this is okay! By your mid twenties you will probably have lost a lot of loose chaff on the way. Childhood friendships don't always mature well......they are not fine wine! Focus on keeping healthy relationships in your life - friends who bring out the best in you.

3. You should always make time for everyone in your life

It's hard, it sometimes means giving up Sunday morning Hollyoaks, but you should always make time for family and friends. Life is short. Don't become an 'I'm too busy' kind of gal. You may never get those opportunities again.

4. There's no point comparing yourself to others.

You do you really well so why are you trying to be someone else. Comparing yourself to others is unhealthy and unrealistic. Focus on trying to be the best possible version of you.

5. You should never give up dreaming.

While you're focusing on being the best possible you, remember not to give up your dreams. If you're still breathing, there's still time.

6. Have fun

Life is for living. We all have to work to earn money, but work to live, don't live to work. Take time for a little fun.

Thursday 3 October 2013

In your face

 It's no good denying it, the dreaded 'W' is on it's way (Winter). Even the very word makes my bones shudder as they imagine the cold to come. The good news however - apart from the fact that pink is this seasons hottest shade ....yay! - is that dry, dull, wintery skin need never be no more!
Thanks to a friend who I have now dubbed my 'Skin Saviour,' I have discovered the sheer super powers of Marks and Spencer's Daily Care Extra Rich Moisturiser for the face. Free from those pesky Parabens, Fragrance and colour, this little tube promises to leave the skin feeling moisturised and supple and is suitable even for sensitive skin. I can certainly vouch for the latter too, having suffered terribly with eczema all my life. This year it has been particularly bad and I have struggled to find (A) A cream that stops dryness and (B) A cream that doesn't react badly on my skin. Daily Care Moisturiser ticks off all of my boxes and what's more it's an absolute steal at just £4 per tube.  

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Buff bod of the day

Pro Green isn't always necessarily top of the list when it comes to buff bods, but after the release of his wedding pics to Millie Mackintosh, he's earnt this spot! How could any girl fail to swoon at the way he looks so adoringly into his new wife's eyes ?! Here's Wishing the newly weds a life time of happiness.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Pick me up playlist

I promise this is the last time that I will mention the name Miley Cyrus, but everyone's talking about it and so I reckon 'Wrecking Ball' should really feature on the pick me up playlist. Check out the Sinead 'o' Connor-esque crying .....totes emosh!!!

Buff bod of the day

Because every day should be a Tom Hardy day!!

Leave Miley Allloooonnneee

Folks you just gotta start leaving Miley Cyrus alone because you are pushing me dangerously close to pulling a Chris Crocker and squishing my tear stained face up against the camera of a You Tube vid, screaming "Leave Miley Alone!!"

I jest of course ....( No I'm not, I really will do it!) .... But God it got my goat right bleating today when I saw a report in the papers that branded Miley's new video 'soft porn'. 

Porn??!!! Really??!!

I mean , I AM concerned for Miley, but only because licking work site tools is terribly unhygienic and sitting on metal with your bare tush can only end in haemorrhoids - get yourself a nice pair of M and S Bridget Jones's love - but Linda Lovelace she ain't !!! 

What is it about a naked body that disgusts the world so much? It's perfectly natural, we've all got one ( although admittedly Cyrus's would probably fit whole in one of the legs of my skinny jeans ....damn you bitch). 

We as a society spend so much time telling women that things have changed , urging them to embrace their sexuality and to love themselves for who they are and yet the minute that a young woman does just that she is branded a 'slut' ( a word that should be sent right into the naughty corner with the C bomb if you ask me ). 

We just aren't practicing what we preach now are we? 

A little advice for Miley - keep doing what you're doing and ignore the haters sister
( although maybe next time think about spray tanning the puppies before you let them out the kennel !!!) 

Monday 9 September 2013

Fat hair without the calories!!!

My hair likes to be flat - it fights against back combing , hair spray , hair mouse .... Absolutely everything . The only way I can get any volume is to hang upside down - not exactly practical for day to life !!!

Then I discovered Samy Fat Hair in Superdrug . I'm like a regular Cheryl Cole now ( who once claimed the bigger the hair, the closer to heaven!!!).