Monday 7 October 2013

Things every girl should know by her mid twenties............

1. The one is out there......but he's probably not the one you  thought he was!

By your mid twenties, you will probably have dated all of the wrong kinds of men. You will have truly believed that at least 88% of those men were in fact THE ONE. They probably weren't. Dust yourself off, learn from your mistakes and move on!! The one is still out there waiting while your wasting time pining around for Mr-is-actually-a-total-knob-but-you-just-can't-see-it!

2. Friendships don't always last.

But this is okay! By your mid twenties you will probably have lost a lot of loose chaff on the way. Childhood friendships don't always mature well......they are not fine wine! Focus on keeping healthy relationships in your life - friends who bring out the best in you.

3. You should always make time for everyone in your life

It's hard, it sometimes means giving up Sunday morning Hollyoaks, but you should always make time for family and friends. Life is short. Don't become an 'I'm too busy' kind of gal. You may never get those opportunities again.

4. There's no point comparing yourself to others.

You do you really well so why are you trying to be someone else. Comparing yourself to others is unhealthy and unrealistic. Focus on trying to be the best possible version of you.

5. You should never give up dreaming.

While you're focusing on being the best possible you, remember not to give up your dreams. If you're still breathing, there's still time.

6. Have fun

Life is for living. We all have to work to earn money, but work to live, don't live to work. Take time for a little fun.

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